Welcome to KCD New York 2024!

On May 22, 2024, the Kubernetes and Cloud Native community will gather in New York City for a one-day technical conference with exciting talks and plenty of opportunities for growing and networking. What to expect: Over 250 developers, system engineers, and IT professionals will be attending this year’s event. A diverse and vibrant community of local and international attendees and speakers


Day - 01

time icon May 22, 2024 08:30

Registration & Breakfast

time icon May 22, 2024 09:00

Welcome + Opening Remarks

Ahmed Bebars

The New York Times Staff Software Engineer

<p>Technology Leader | AWS Community Builder | Infrastructure Guru | 6x AWS Certified | Speaker</p><p>As a seasoned Staff Software Engineer on the Delivery Engineering Cloud Runtime team at The New York Times, I specialize in developing robust and scalable Kubernetes-based solutions. My primary focus is on crafting a secure and flexible runtime environment that is pivotal in empowering service teams to swiftly and efficiently deploy their applications. This platform stands as a testament to rapid application development, underpinned by a commitment to security and adherence to industry best practices.</p><p>Before my tenure at The Times, I played a significant role at Hello Fresh as a Senior Backend Engineer, where I honed my skills in backend systems and application optimization. Additionally, my experience as an Application Development Lead at Wireless Network Group enriched my perspective on software development, especially in telecommunications.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 09:15


time icon May 22, 2024 09:30

[Sponsored Keynote] How To Be A Good Landlord: Making Your Kubernetes Tenants Happy

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Choosing the right tenancy model for your Kubernetes architecture is hard but what's even harder is making sure your tenants have a great experience using your organization's Kubernetes platform. This keynote will provide high-level insights into the benefits of using virtual clusters for increasing tenant happiness and overall success of an organization's Kubernetes strategy.

Lukas Gentele

CEO - Loft Labs (creators of vCluster and DevPod)

<p>Lukas Gentele is the CEO of Loft Labs, a venture-backed startup known for its open-source project vCluster, a technology for virtualizing Kubernetes. Companies such as CoreWeave, GoFundMe, Outreach, Atlan, and many others use vCluster to increase developer velocity and to reduce their cloud infrastructure costs.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 09:35


Karena Angell

Senior Principal Product Manager

time icon May 22, 2024 09:50

[Sponsored Keynote] Observability in the Next Decade: Beyond Reactive Response

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When it comes to running mission-critical applications on Kubernetes, availability and uptime are crucial. However, existing observability tools only alert you about problems after they have occurred. But what if you could add a proactive tool to your toolbelt, to warn you about potential issues—and help you fix them—before they ever lead to downtime? That tantalizing possibility is now a reality. 

Fawad Khaliq

Co-founder & CTO at Chkk

<p>Fawad is the co-founder &amp; CTO of Chkk, where he is building a proactive approach to availability. This approach enables you to learn from others' operational experiences and mistakes using Collective Learning. Before Chkk, he helped build and scale Amazon EKS and was responsible for networking and availability. And prior to AWS, he enjoyed building systems at VMware and PLUMgrid. He and his family live in the Bay Area, and he enjoys running, hiking, and cooking in his spare time.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 09:55

Keynote: Releasing a more mature and stable Kubernetes

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Releasing the largest Golang-based open-source project in the world is a constantly evolving challenge. The rate of change varies, active contributors increase in some areas and shrink in others. As Kubernetes transitions to maturity, one thing is clear: the number of features in each release grows, and the number of users keeps rising, as does the demand for the artifacts SIG Release builds and publishes monthly. Let's talk about how we manage that as a team!

Stephen Augustus

Head of Open Source at Cisco

<p>Stephen is the Head of Open Source at Cisco, working within the Strategy, Incubation, &amp; Applications (SIA) organization.</p><p>Across the wider LF (Linux Foundation) ecosystem, Stephen has the pleasure of serving as a member of the OpenSSF Governing Board, the OpenAPI Initiative Business Governing Board, the Kubernetes Steering Committee, and the TODO Group Steering Committee.</p><p>Previously, he was one of the Program Chairs for KubeCon / CloudNativeCon, the cloud native community&rsquo;s flagship conference.</p><p>He is currently a Chair for Kubernetes' SIG Release, and a maintainer for the Scorecard and Dex projects.</p><p>In 2020, Stephen co-founded the Inclusive Naming Initiative, a cross-industry group dedicated to helping projects and companies make consistent, responsible choices to remove harmful language across codebases, standards, and documentation.</p><p>He has previously held positions at VMware (via Heptio), Red Hat, and CoreOS.</p><p>Stephen is based in New York City.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 10:10

[Sponsored Keynote]

time icon May 22, 2024 10:15

Coffee Break [Morning]

time icon May 22, 2024 11:00

Sponsored Session (Palo Alto Networks)

John Yandziak

time icon May 22, 2024 11:00

Game Streaming and AI Workloads on Kubernetes with GeForce Now

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NVIDIA operates a large-scale Kubernetes cloud for GPU workloads and utilizes the capacity for things like game streaming and AI inference.  

This talk will go through how NVIDIA operates and uses Kubernetes at scale and will detail the challenges faced when supporting a Kubernetes cloud for these types of workloads.

Attendees will learn how NVIDIA:

  • Operates a large-scale Kubernetes cloud.
  • Does just-in-time workload scheduling on Kubernetes.
  • Maximizes data center capacity.
  • Uses KubeVirt.

Ryan Hallisey

Nvidia, Senior Software Engineer

<p>Ryan is a software engineer at NVIDIA. He works on building data centers powered by Kubernetes and KubeVirt for NVIDIA products.</p>

Rachid Ennaji

Nvidia, Senior Software Engineer

<p>Software Engineer working on NVIDIA's GeForce Now game streaming product.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 11:00

Pragmatically Securing GitOps Deployment Pipelines

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Sigstore offers a robust solution for the secure signing of diverse artifacts, including OCI images and blob files, ensuring their authenticity and integrity in the software supply chain.

Within the project toolkit, I will introduce innovative concepts to implement security policies for package deployments in Kubernetes clusters. The goal is to showcase the practical process of constructing secure CI/CD pipelines, encompassing pivotal elements rooted in GitOps principles.

Amim Knabben

Senior Software Engineer - VMware

time icon May 22, 2024 11:40

Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Networking: Are we there yet?

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Multi-cluster networking has been an important area within Kubernetes that is still evolving and open to innovation. This talk aims to provide clarity between the multiple cloud native networking projects that deal with the multi-cluster kubernetes space. We cover the  APIs and some implementations at the following layers: CNI, Multi-Cluster Services and Application Service Meshes from a multi-cluster viewpoint. We provide architecture analysis, demos & projections on their future evolution.

Sanjeev Rampal

Senior Principal Engineer, Red Hat

<p>Sanjeev Rampal is a Senior Principal Engineer at Red Hat in the Emerging Technologies team within the Office of the CTO. He has extensive experience contributing and building products within the cloud, networking and platforms spaces.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 11:40

[Sponsored] How to eliminate availability risks and perform timely upgrades

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As mission-critical applications increasingly rely on Kubernetes, ensuring availability becomes paramount. Errors, disruptions, and failures pose significant risks, leading to reputational damage and financial losses for enterprises. Two key challenges impede Platform, DevOps and SRE teams from maintaining an up-to-date and safe posture –1/ identifying relevant risks, and 2/ performing timely upgrades to address issues. In this session you will learn how you can address both these challenges.

Fawad Khaliq

Co-founder & CTO at Chkk

<p>Fawad is the co-founder &amp; CTO of Chkk, where he is building a proactive approach to availability. This approach enables you to learn from others' operational experiences and mistakes using Collective Learning. Before Chkk, he helped build and scale Amazon EKS and was responsible for networking and availability. And prior to AWS, he enjoyed building systems at VMware and PLUMgrid. He and his family live in the Bay Area, and he enjoys running, hiking, and cooking in his spare time.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 11:40

Leveling Up Wasm Support in Kubernetes

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WebAssembly is a compelling technology for writing high-performance serverless-style apps inside of Kubernetes. With cold start times coming in at half a millisecond, Wasm programs can be started, scaled, and stopped in the blink of an eye. This makes them a brilliant complement to containers, which often take seconds to cold start, but which are much better for long running process.

Matt Butcher


time icon May 22, 2024 12:20

[Sponsored] Tenant Autonomy & Isolation In Multi-Tenant Kubernetes Clusters - A Comprehensive Guide

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Because spinning up hundreds of single-tenant Kubernetes clusters is costly, inefficient and hard to manage, this approach is becoming less and less attractive for organizations. However, multi-tenancy is not easy to set up and govern over time. This talk will provide an actionable guide on how to set up multi-tenant Kubernetes clusters in a secure way without compromising tenant autonomy.

Lukas Gentele

CEO - Loft Labs (creators of vCluster and DevPod)

<p>Lukas Gentele is the CEO of Loft Labs, a venture-backed startup known for its open-source project vCluster, a technology for virtualizing Kubernetes. Companies such as CoreWeave, GoFundMe, Outreach, Atlan, and many others use vCluster to increase developer velocity and to reduce their cloud infrastructure costs.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 12:20

Kanister.io: a CNCF.io Sandbox Project for Application Consistent Backups

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For stateful, cloud-native applications, data operations must often be performed by tools with semantic understanding of the data.

Kanister.io, CNCF sandbox project, extends past infrastructure backups to provide cloud-native approach to data protection. This session offers an overview of Kanister, highlighting blueprints, artifacts, and actions. Followed by a live demo featuring application-consistent backup and restore of AWS RDS.

Daniil Fedotov

Senior Open Source Engineer Kasten by Veeam

<p>Infrastructure and cloud services developer. I'm deeply passionate about open source. Currently contributing to the Kanister project at Kasten by Veeam, we're reshaping data management for Kubernetes.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 12:20

Five things you need to know about your container runtime

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As a Kubernetes user you probably are satisfied to know that a container runtime at the bottom of the stack does whatever it does and lets you get your work done. But, maybe you're curious about the relationship between the runtime components and your orchestration platform? Maybe there was that time when you hit a bug and needed to understand a lot more! This talk will give you a running start, offering five key things you should understand about the container runtime running your containers.

Phil Estes

Principal Engineer, Container Runtime

<p>Phil is a Principal Engineer for Amazon Web Services (AWS), focused on core container runtime technologies that power AWS container offerings like Fargate, EKS, and ECS.</p><p>Phil is currently an active contributor and maintainer for the CNCF containerd runtime project, and participates in the Open Container Initiative (OCI) as the member of the Technical Oversight Board (TOB). Phil has also been a long-time core contributor and maintainer on the Docker/Moby engine project, initially contributing to the Docker Engine starting in 2014 and becoming a core engine project maintainer in 2015.</p><p>Phil enjoys helping others understand and apply container and cloud native concepts and speaks worldwide at industry conferences and meetups, and is a member of the CNCF Ambassadors program.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 12:50


time icon May 22, 2024 14:00

OpenTelemetry: An Observability Framework and Toolkit

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As systems grew increasingly complex and distributed, the need for a unified, scalable, and efficient observability framework became more pressing. OpenTelemetry, an open-source observability framework, emerged to offer comprehensive tooling for capturing, processing, and exporting telemetry data. This session aims to demystify OpenTelemetry, showcasing its capabilities, architecture, and how you can adopt it in your observability practice.

Hope Oluwalolope

Software Engineer Microsoft

<p>Microsoft Hope is a Software Engineer at Microsoft where she builds services that manages Microsoft cloud infrastructure. Currently, her focus lies in facilitating the implementation of observability and OpenTelemetry standards within her team. She is also dedicated to ensuring that organizations adopt and embrace observability practices.</p><p>Hope also leads and contributes to various tech communities that support women, Africans, and aspiring developers.</p><p><a href="https://sessionize.com/oluwalolope-hope" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://sessionize.com/oluwalolope-hope</a></p>

time icon May 22, 2024 14:00

Embracing the Future: The Effortless Mutual TLS and Traffic Control Without Sidecars

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In today's environments, sidecars have become the dominant choice for implementing mutual TLS, traffic management and rich Layer 7 authorization policies. However, sidecars require applications to restart after being added to the mesh, causing unnecessary overprovisioning of resources. In this presentation, Lin will explain the key advantages of sidecar-less architecture and demonstrate live how both developers and operators can enjoy mTLS and traffic control without any effort or sidecars!

Lin Sun

Director of Open-Source, Solo.io

<p>Lin is the Head of Open Source at Solo.io, and a CNCF TOC member and ambassador. She has worked on the Istio service mesh since the beginning of the project in 2017 and serves on the Istio Steering Committee and Technical Oversight Committee. Previously, she was a Senior Technical Staff Member and Master Inventor at IBM for 15+ years. She is the author of the book "Istio Ambient Explained" and has more than 200 patents to her name.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 14:00

Practical Insights into Network Configurations for High-Performance Streaming Connectivity in K8s

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Sharing the hands-on experiences in setting up high-performance data connections for streaming in Kubernetes environments. Explore the practical challenges and lessons learned when making critical decisions about network setups, including the considerations between Container Network Interface, proxy solutions, and other options. Hopefully will help you to optimize streaming connectivity for high performance in your Kubernetes cluster. 

Christina Lin

The Redpanda Lady

<p>Christina has 20+ years of experience in software development. She has worked as a developer, consultant, architect. She is an advocate for making innovative solutions down to earth and making them easily accessible for everyone. Skilled in Open Source technology such as Redpanda, Apache Camel, Kafka and Kubernetes, Ansible.</p>

Paul Curtis


<p>Paul began as a financial application developer, moving into customer and sustaining engineering at Netscape and Sun. After Sun, Paul worked as network and systems operations for several start ups, before landing in the Big Data world with MapR. Paul went on to Kubernetes with Weaveworks, and is currently focused on Kafka-based message streaming at Redpanda.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 14:40

[Sponsored] CI and CD need to go their separate ways

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In a cloud native CI/CD landscape, we move from a linear procedure to a complex, branching network of pipelines. Current open-source GitOps platforms fail to accommodate modern, multi-dimensional pipelines, nudging professionals towards CI platforms and custom automation. This unintended side-step only serves to complicate the fundamental robustness of these pipelines. 

Kent Rancourt

time icon May 22, 2024 14:40

[Sponsored] Uncover Kubernetes cost-optimization trends

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Based on findings in CAST AI's 2024 Kubernetes Cost Benchmark Report, we will dive into the current industry trends in Kubernetes's cloud resource usage, including the biggest drivers of overspending and cloud provider utilization.

Philip Andrews


<p>Phil is CAST AI&rsquo;s Field CTO, and works with customers to educate and encourage kubernetes best practices that lead to optimal cloud costs. With more than 15 years of experience in a wide range of positions, Phil balances resiliency, performance and cost to help customers achieve their goals.</p><p>Previously, Phil was a Director of Engineering for Security Products at Oracle cloud. This experience helped shape his understanding of cloud scale technology and best practices.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 14:40

Unveiling Cloud Native Operational Excellence (CNOE): Pioneering the Future of IDPs

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In the rapidly changing cloud-native landscape, enterprises are in search of ways to stay ahead, while de-risking their bets on implementations. The world of internal development platforms is arguably more confusing to navigate. Thankfully the CNOE or Cloud Native Operational Excellence group is here to pave a path! Join the New York Times for a discussion on our exploration into the world of CNOE tooling including its reference architecture and its all in one IDP in a box the IDPBuilder CLI.

Tiara Sykes

Software Engineer, The New York Times

<p>Tiara Sykes is a Software Engineer at The New York Times. She pivoted to supporting reliability efforts across the larger tech organization after her interest sparked supporting services as a product engineer. Besides striving for technical excellence, Tiara values an engineering culture that encourages everyone to continuously grow and feel safe to learn and make mistakes.</p>

Luke Philips

Staff Software Engineer The New York Times

<p>Luke Philips is a Staff Engineer and Software A̶r̶c̶h̶i̶t̶e̶c̶t̶ Custodian with The New York Times Company. Trying to sweep together the best ideas from all sources. Previously a long career in Telecom, at Charter, CenturyLink, and Level 3 Communications. With a mixed focus on continuous delivery, orchestration solutions, enterprise, Kubernetes, open source, networking, and cloud-native technologies. On the side Luke dabbles in Wardley Mapping and strategic proficiency.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 15:10

Coffee Break [Afternoon]

time icon May 22, 2024 15:25

Running Low-Latency Workloads on Kubernetes

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Configuring Kubernetes to optimally run a particular workload is best described as a continuous journey. Depending on your requirements, best practices might not only no longer apply, but actively harm performance. In this session, we document what we've found to work best in our journey running SpiceDB, a low-latency authorization system.

Jimmy Zelinskie

cofounder of authzed

<p>Jimmy Zelinskie is the chief product officer and co-founder of authzed and co-creator of SpiceDB. Prior to that, he worked on various cloud-native projects such as Quay, clair, the Operator Framework, and the Open Container Initiative while building Kubernetes products at CoreOS and Red Hat.</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 15:25

Explain Cloud Native Business Value to Your Boss

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One of the challenges we have as a cloud native industry, is to explain its business value. We get caught up in the new open source project, auto-scaling, load-balancing, and more, but then we can't easily speak in the language the business leaders want to hear in order to spend money or sign off on projects. In this talk, we use the CNCF Cloud Native Maturity model to help educate how all cloud native practitioners need to explain business value to their boss.

Danielle Cook


Simon Forster

Technical Architect and CNCF Ambassador

time icon May 22, 2024 15:25

Sponsored Session (Red Hat)

Cedric Clyburn

Developer Advocate, Red Hat

<p>Cedric Clyburn (@cedricclyburn), Developer Advocate at Red Hat, is an enthusiastic software technologist with a background in Kubernetes, DevOps, and container tools. He has experience speaking at conferences and events including DevNexus, WeAreDevelopers, DevConf, and more. Cedric loves all things open-source, and works to make developer's lives easier! Based out of New York.</p>

Karena Angell

Senior Principal Product Manager

time icon May 22, 2024 16:05

[Sponsored] Ensuring Data Mobility and Consistency with Cloud Native Databases

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Explore the options for deploying cloud-native databases, from StatefulSets to managed services (PaaS) like Amazon RDS and even traditional VMs. An overlooked risk is ensuring data protection and application consistency, which is paramount, regardless of the deployment environment. Discover the significance of leveraging backups to enable portability between Kubernetes environments, underscoring the importance of data mobility in modern database management strategies.

Michael Cade

Global Field CTO at Veeam Software

time icon May 22, 2024 16:05

Controlling data overhead from the OpenTelmetry Collector

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The OpenTelemetry Collector is becoming the standard for moving observability data within your architecture and to a data store. But its default configuration can overuse data and network resources. In this talk I'll cover the configuration control you have over your collector, and how you can reduce overhead, fix data cardinality and metrics explosion, and remove sensitive data before your data makes it out of your network.

Nočnica Mellifera

Developer Advocate and Serverless Mom

time icon May 22, 2024 16:05

Cloud Native Policy as Code: Principles and Best Practices

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Cloud Native promises agility, speed, and self-service. But those very strengths often collide with robust security.  Traditional security approaches struggle to keep pace with dynamic cloud-native environments, leaving you facing a dilemma: slow down for security or risk attacks.This session is for platform engineers, looking to deliver self-service without compromising security. It introduces key Policy as Code concepts and demonstrates them using Kyverno, a CNCF policy management tool.

Jim Bugwadia

Co-founder and CEO at Nirmata

Sagar Kundral

Customer Success Engineer, Nirmata

<p>Sagar Kundral is an engineer with a passion for cloud-native technologies and container orchestration. He has over 9 years of industry experience, specializing in Kubernetes and related ecosystem tools</p>

time icon May 22, 2024 16:45

Closing Remarks

Julia Furst Morgado

Global Technologist

<p>Julia Furst Morgado is a Global Technologist in the Office of the CTO at Veeam Software. Her passion is making Cloud Native technologies and DevOps best practices easier to understand by sharing her knowledge and experiences. She is also committed to empowering communities as an AWS Community Builder, a CNCF Ambassador, a Google Women Techmakers Ambassador, a Civo Ambassador and Girl Code Ambassador. Additionally, she organizes the NY Code &amp; Coffee Meetup and KubeHuddle conference, further fostering collaboration and learning opportunities. Connect with Julia on Twitter and LinkedIn @juliafmorgado to stay updated on her latest contributions to the tech industry.</p>

Ahmed Bebars

The New York Times Staff Software Engineer

<p>Technology Leader | AWS Community Builder | Infrastructure Guru | 6x AWS Certified | Speaker</p><p>As a seasoned Staff Software Engineer on the Delivery Engineering Cloud Runtime team at The New York Times, I specialize in developing robust and scalable Kubernetes-based solutions. My primary focus is on crafting a secure and flexible runtime environment that is pivotal in empowering service teams to swiftly and efficiently deploy their applications. This platform stands as a testament to rapid application development, underpinned by a commitment to security and adherence to industry best practices.</p><p>Before my tenure at The Times, I played a significant role at Hello Fresh as a Senior Backend Engineer, where I honed my skills in backend systems and application optimization. Additionally, my experience as an Application Development Lead at Wireless Network Group enriched my perspective on software development, especially in telecommunications.</p>

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If you are enthusiastic about contributing to the event's success and are interested in volunteering, we warmly invite you to get in touch. We are at capacity for volunteering positions, but please reach out to us by emailing the organizers at kcd-newyork@kubernetescommunitydays.org. Your involvement will be immensely appreciated and crucial in making KCD New York an unforgettable event for all participants!


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